62 research outputs found

    Changes of Nerve Growth Factor Synthesis in Nonneuronal Cells in Response to Sciatic Nerve Transection

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    The intact sciatic nerve contains levels of nerve growth factor (NGF) that are comparable to those of densely innervated peripheral target tissues of NGF-responsive (sympathetic and sensory) neurons. There, the high NGF levels are reflected by correspondingly high mRNA^(NGF) levels. In the intact sciatic nerve, mRNA^(NGF) levels were very low, thus indicating that the contribution of locally synthesized NGF by nonneuronal cells is small. However, after transection an increase of up to 15-fold in mRNA^(NGF) was measured in 4-mm segments collected both proximally and distally to the transection site. Distally to the transection site, augmented mRNA^(NGF) levels occurred in all three 4-mm segments from 6 h to 2 wk after transection, the longest time period investigated. The augmented local NGF synthesis after transection was accompanied by a reexpression of NGF receptors by Schwann cells (NGF receptors normally disappear shortly after birth). Proximal to the transection site, the augmented NGF synthesis was restricted to the very end of the nerve stump that acts as a "substitute target organ" for the regenerating NGF-responsive nerve fibers. While the mRNA^(NGF) levels in the nerve stump correspond to those of a densely innervated peripheral organ, the volume is too small to fully replace the lacking supply from the periphery. This is reflected by the fact that in the more proximal part of the transected sciatic nerve, where mRNA^(NGF) remained unchanged, the NGF levels reached only 40% of control values. In situ hybridization experiments demonstrated that after transection all nonneuronal cells express mRNA^(NGF) and not only those ensheathing the nerve fibers of NGF-responsive neurons

    Synthesis and localization of ciliary neurotrophic factor in the sciatic nerve of the adult rat after lesion and during regeneration

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    Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) is expressed in high quantities in Schwann cells of peripheral nerves during postnatal development of the rat. The absence of a hydrophobic leader sequence and the immunohistochemical localization of CNTF within the cytoplasm of these cells indicate that the factor might not be available to responsive neurons under physiological conditions. However, CNTF supports the survival of a variety of embryonic neurons, including spinal motoneurons in culture. Moreover we have recently demonstrated that the exogenous application of CNTF protein to the lesioned facial nerve of the newborn rat rescued these motoneurons from cell death. These results indicate that CNTF might indeed play a major role in assisting the survival of lesioned neurons in the adult peripheral nervous system. Here we demonstrate that the CNTF mRNA and protein levels and the manner in which they are regulated are compatible with such a function in lesioned peripheral neurons. In particular, immunohistochemical analysis showed significant quantities of CNTF at extracellular sites after sciatic nerve lesion. Western blots and determination of CNTF biological activity of the same nerve segments indicate that extracellular CNTF seems to be biologically active. After nerve lesion CNTF mRNA levels were reduced to <5 % in distal regions of the sciatic nerve whereas CNTF bioactivity decreased to only one third of the original before-lesion levels. A gradual reincrease in Schwann cells occurred concomitant with regeneration

    Muscle-derived factors that support survival and promote fiber outgrowth from embryonic chick spinal motor neurons in culture

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    The purpose of the experiments reported is to provide an unambiguous demonstration that embryonie skeletal muscle contains factors that act directly on embryonie spinal motor neurons both to support their survival and to stimulate the outgrowth of neurites. Cells of lumbar and brachial ventral spinal cords from 6-day-old chick embryos were separated by centrifugation in a two-step metrizamide gradient, and a motor neuron enriched fraction was obtained. Motor neurons were identified by retrogradely labeling with rhodamine isothiocyanate, and were enriched fourfold in the motor neuron fraction relative to unfractionated cells. In culture, the isolated motor neurons died within 3-4 days unless they were supplemented with embryonie chick skeletal muscle extract. Two functionally distinct entities separable by ammonium sulfate precipitation were responsible for the effects of muscle extracts on motor neurons. The 0-25% ammonium sulfate precipitate contained molecules that alone bad no effect on neuronal survival but when bound to polyornithine-coated culture substrata, stimulated neurite outgrowth and potentiated the survival activity present in muscle. Most of this activity was due to a laminin-like molecule being immunoprecipitated with antisera against laminin, and immunoblotting demonstrated the presence of both the A and B chains of laminin. A long-term survival activity resided in the 25-70% ammonium sulfate fraction, and its apparent total and specific activities were strongly dependent on the culture substrate. In contrast to the motor neurons, the cells from the other metrizamide fraction (including neuronal cells) could be kept in culture for a prolonged time without addition of exogenous factor(s)

    Rat ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF)

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    The structure of the rat ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) gene and the regulation of CNTF mRNA levels in cultured glial cells were investigated. The rat mRNA is encoded by a simple two-exon transcription unit. Sequence analysis of the region upstream of the transcription start-site did not reveal a typical TATA-box consensus sequence. Low levels of CNTF mRNA were detected in cultured Schwann cells, and CNTF mRNA was not increased by a variety of treatments. Three-week-old astrocyte-enriched cell cultures from new-born rat brain contained easily detectable CNTF mRNA. In astrocyte-enriched cultures, upregulation of CNTF mRNA levels was observed after treatment with IFN-. CNTF mRNA levels were down-regulated in these cells by treatments that elevate intracellular cyclic AMP and by members of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family. The implications of these results for potential in vivo functions of CNTF are discusse